Zoom Courses

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  • English
  • Instructor:
    Alison Pattison
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This cohort runs for 6 weeks. Topics include: -Developing Healthy Teams -Behaviors of a Healthy Teams -The 6 Types of Working Genius -Purposeful Conversations -Transitions and Change -Time Management -Finishing Purposefully and Ideal Team Player -Maxwell DISC Assessment We will meet on zoom 8 times, for 2 hour sessions.

Price: $2000.00
  • English
  • Instructor:
    Alison Pattison
  • Locations
  • Classes

Arizona Administrative Code r6-6-901, commonly known as Article 9, is an Arizona law. This law relates to how the Divisions of Developmental Disabilities will proactively and positively support people's positive and adaptive behavior. This course includes a clear definition of techniques that are prohibited from use at any time, techniques that require a division approved behavior plan and/or techniques that require no prior approval. Course taught by a certified Article 9 Instructor. Duration - Approximately 3 Hours  This certificate is valid for 3 years. Course Content for Article 9: Historical Information, Confidentiality, Positive Behavior Supports, Respect, Dignity, and Positive Interactions with Members, Consent, Client Rights, Abuse and Neglect, Proactive Strategies, PRC/HRC Behavior Building Plans, Prohibitions, Emergency Measures, Reporting, Sanctions We recommend taking this course on a laptop or tablet.

Price: $45.00
  • English
  • Instructor:
    Alison Pattison
  • Locations
  • Classes

Price: $1.00
  • English
  • Instructor:
    Alison Pattison
  • Locations
  • Classes

Mental Health First Aid teaches adults how to recognize the signs and symptoms that suggest a potential mental health challenge, how to listen non-judgmentally and give reassurance to a person who may be experiencing a mental health challenge, and how to refer a person to the appropriate professional support and services.  When you use the skills you learn in Mental Health First Aid (MHFA), you are the first line of support for a person in need.  You are there to help them feel less distressed and you can be a vital source in helping them seek further assistance.  With an accurate view of mental health challenges, and using a strengths-based holistic perspective, you can help others to help themselves. You can also be an advocate, empower your community, and improve self-care.  As a Mental Health First Aider, you can be the one to make a difference in the life of someone with a mental health challenge.  Your actions can be a first step in someone’s recovery journey.This course is 6 hours and will satisfy the required CEU hours for the Direct Care Worker requirement for the year (6 CEUs).

Price: $120.00
  • English
  • Instructor:
    Alison Pattison
  • Locations
  • Classes

In order to take the ZOOM PBS class, you must agree that you will: 1. Print the packet prior to the class (you must show trainer the packet on zoom) 2. Take the class on a laptop or tablet (not on your phone) Positive Behavior Support, frequently referred to as PBS, is a person-centered approach that can improve relationships between members and their caregivers. It’s a set of research-based practices used to reduce challenging behavior while improving quality of life. 

The training model educates DSPs and caregivers on skills, tools, and resources they can use to assist in the behavior change process. This often leads to an improved environment for the individual receiving DDD services.

Price: $100.00
  • English
  • Instructor:
    Alison Pattison
  • Locations
  • Classes

In this DDD approved course, participants will learn how to identify abuse, neglect, and exploitation and the expectations for mandated reporting.  Target audience: Provider Staff PLEASE TAKE ZOOM COURSE ON A TABLET OR LAPTOP- NOT A CELL PHONE

Price: $65.00
  • English
  • Instructor:
    Alison Pattison
  • Locations
  • Classes

Price: $120.00
  • English
  • Instructor:
    Alison Pattison
  • Locations
  • Classes

Price: $200.00
  • English
  • Instructor:
    Alison Pattison
  • Locations
  • Classes

Arizona Administrative Code r6-6-901, commonly known as Article 9, is an Arizona law. This law relates to how the Divisions of Developmental Disabilities will proactively and positively support people's positive and adaptive behavior. This course includes a clear definition of techniques that are prohibited from use at any time, techniques that require a division approved behavior plan and/or techniques that require no prior approval. Course taught by a certified Article 9 Instructor. Duration - Approximately 3 Hours  This certificate is valid for 3 years. Course Content for Article 9: Historical Information, Confidentiality, Positive Behavior Supports, Respect, Dignity, and Positive Interactions with Members, Consent, Client Rights, Abuse and Neglect, Proactive Strategies, PRC/HRC Behavior Building Plans, Prohibitions, Emergency Measures, Reporting, Sanctions  

Price: $360.00
  • English
  • Instructor:
    Alison Pattison
  • Locations
  • Classes

Price: $350.00
  • Spanish
  • Instructor:
    Alison Pattison
  • Locations
  • Classes

En esta clase, aprenderias a identificar el maltrato que incluye el abuso, la negligencia y la explotacion. Tambien aprenderas sobre los efectos del abuso. Hablaremos sobre los factores que ponen a las personas con discapacidades del dearrollo en mayor riesgo de abuso, negligencia y explotacion y hablaremos sobre los problemas relacionados con el tacto. Por ultimo, aprenderas que hacer cuando sospeches de maltrato.

Price: $65.00
  • Spanish
  • Instructor:
    Alison Pattison
  • Locations
  • Classes

Arizona Administrative Code r6-6-901, commonly known as Article 9, is an Arizona law. This law relates to how the Divisions of Developmental Disabilities will proactively and positively support people's positive and adaptive behavior. This course includes a clear definition of techniques that are prohibited from use at any time, techniques that require a division approved behavior plan and/or techniques that require no prior approval. Course taught by a certified Article 9 Instructor. Duration - Approximately 3 Hours  This certificate is valid for 3 years. Course Content for Article 9: Historical Information, Confidentiality, Positive Behavior Supports, Respect, Dignity, and Positive Interactions with Members, Consent, Client Rights, Abuse and Neglect, Proactive Strategies, PRC/HRC Behavior Building Plans, Prohibitions, Emergency Measures, Reporting, Sanctions  

Price: $45.00
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