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  • Online - Self Paced
  • English
  • Instructor:
    Alison Pattison
  • Modules

This course will provide information about abuse and neglect including: reporting abuse and neglect, definitions of abuse and neglect, physical, emotional, and environmental signs of abuse and neglect.

Price: $15.00
  • Online - Self Paced
  • English
  • Instructor:
    Alison Pattison
  • Modules

In this course, you will learn about advance directives including definitions.  You will also learn about the connection between advance directives and patient rights, as well as how to support your members’ wishes.

Price: $10.00
  • Online - Self Paced
  • English
  • Instructor:
    Alison Pattison
  • Modules

With increased prevalence over the years, these days everyone seems to know somebody or something about autism spectrum disorder. Perhaps it’s your own son or daughter, a family member, neighbor, or your child’s classmate. Maybe you yourself have been diagnosed. With so much information, as well as misinformation out there, it becomes increasingly important to demystify all things autism. In this course, you’ll learn what autism is, what it isn’t, and finish this course with greater understanding.

Price: $20.00
  • Online - Self Paced
  • Spanish
  • Instructor:
    Alison Pattison
  • Modules

Durante este curso, exploraremos el diagnóstico del Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad, que comúnmente se conoce como TDAH. También compartiremos ideas y estrategias prácticas para apoyar a las personas con TDAH.

Price: $20.00
  • Online - Self Paced
  • Spanish
  • Instructor:
    Alison Pattison
  • Modules

Al final del curso de hoy, tendrá una mejor comprensión de varios tipos de apoyos visuales, como “primero esto y luego aquello,” horarios visuales y tableros de elección. Por supuesto, también cubriremos otras estrategias de enseñanza efectivas y basadas en la evidencia, como los sistemas de trabajo, la conformación y el encadenamiento, el análisis de tareas y los procedimientos de incitación. Empecemos desde el principio, con los principios del refuerzo, un pilar en la enseñanza efectiva que complementa todas y cada una de las demás estrategias efectivas.

Price: $25.00
  • Classroom
  • Spanish
  • Instructor:
    Alison Pattison
  • Locations
  • Classes

Price: $225.00

Article 9

  • Classroom
  • English
  • Instructor:
    Alison Pattison
  • Locations
  • Classes

Arizona Administrative Code r6-6-901, commonly known as Article 9, is an Arizona law. This law relates to how the Divisions of Developmental Disabilities will proactively and positively support people's positive and adaptive behavior. This course includes a clear definition of techniques that are prohibited from use at any time, techniques that require a division approved behavior plan and/or techniques that require no prior approval. Course taught by a certified Article 9 Instructor. Duration - Approximately 3 Hours  This certificate is valid for 3 years. Course Content for Article 9: Historical Information, Confidentiality, Positive Behavior Supports, Respect, Dignity, and Positive Interactions with Members, Consent, Client Rights, Abuse and Neglect, Proactive Strategies, PRC/HRC Behavior Building Plans, Prohibitions, Emergency Measures, Reporting, Sanctions  

Price: $45.00
  • Online - Self Paced
  • English
  • Instructor:
    Alison Pattison
  • Modules

In this course, you will be provided a comprehensive overview of the ways in which assistive technology can profoundly impact communication for individuals with disabilities. We will explore the diverse range of assistive tools available, from augmentative and alternative communication devices to speech recognition software and communication apps tailored to specific needs. In addition, throughout this course we will emphasize the transformative potential of assistive technology in promoting independence, enhancing social interactions, and facilitating access to education and employment opportunities. By leveraging these innovative tools, individuals with disabilities can overcome communication barriers, express themselves more effectively, and actively engage with the world around them.

Price: $20.00
  • Online - Self Paced
  • English
  • Instructor:
    Alison Pattison
  • Modules

This course is a conversation with Dr. Temple Grandin about the unique challenges and opportunities faced by autistic individuals during their teenage years.  Drawing from Temple Grandin’s personal experiences as an autistic individual and her professional expertise, the course offers practical strategies to help parents, educators, and caregivers guide adolescents through this critical developmental period.

Price: $20.00
  • Online - Self Paced
  • English
  • Instructor:
    Alison Pattison
  • Modules

In this course, we will discuss basic nutrition and the six essential nutrients that are important to the body. We will discuss the USDA My Plate guidelines, and how to help members meet their nutrition and hydration needs.

Price: $10.00
  • Online - Self Paced
  • English
  • Instructor:
    Alison Pattison
  • Modules

In this course, you will learn about internet browsers, word documents vs. PDF’s, how to save, print, and email a document, opening an attachment, how to take a screenshot, and how to convert a jpeg picture to PDF.  In addition, you will learn how to email a picture from your phone, how to add an application or app to your phone, and how to videoconference using FaceTime or Zoom.  This course comes with a printable, step by step manual.

Price: $10.00
  • Online - Self Paced
  • English
  • Instructor:
    Alison Pattison
  • Modules

The Basic Life Support (BLS) program is for participants to gain or improve knowledge and skill proficiency in high-quality CPR skills and teamwork for the adult, child, and infant. HSI Basic Life Support (BLS) reflects the latest resuscitation science and treatment recommendations published by the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR), and it conforms with the 2020 American Heart Association (AHA) Guidelines Update for CPR and ECC and the annual Guidelines Update. Continuing Education Hours Available: Emergency Medical Services (CAPCE) and Dental Professionals (AGD/PACE). Class Audience: The intended audience is individuals who are healthcare providers (in and out of hospital), public safety professionals in a variety of occupational settings, or individuals enrolled in healthcare and public safety career training programs who require BLS training.   NOTE: You will receive a link within 24 hours of registration to the online course.  This email will come from ASHI (American Safety and Health Institute) – not APT.  If you don’t receive an email, please check your spam.  You will need to bring documentation of completion for the online component before skills testing (this can be printed out or you can access it on your phone and show the instructor. This course will not be taken on APT'S Website, it will be completed on ASHI's (American Safety and Health Institute). Please reach out to customer service for the in-person skills test out class.

Price: $60.00

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