El objetivo principal de este curso es enseñarle cómo eliminar los riesgos comunes relacionados con el trabajo que conducen a resbalones, tropezones y caídas peligrosas. Aprenderá a establecer medidas preventivas que reduzcan la probabilidad de accidentes por caídas que pueden provocar distensiones, esguinces o la muerte.
Descripción del curso: En este curso, los cuidadores revisarán las razones más comunes por las que los clientes no cumplen. El curso incluye consejos sobre cómo motivar a los clientes y fomentar la adherencia al plan de atención.
(Work is Play and Play is Work ECA Course) Este curso es un refresco para repasar cómo usar las habilidades de juego para enseñar nuevas habilidades. Esta clase revisará los procedimientos motivacionales, la capacidad de respuesta, la autogestión y los procedimientos de autoiniciación. Este curso es recomendado para los proveedores que trabajan con clientes jóvenes en el programa de educación continua ECA.
(Dealing with difficult people) Este curso incluye estrategias, consejos y técnicas para la resolución de conflictos en el lugar de trabajo.
(Use and Administration of Epinephrine Autoinjectors) This course will teach you the signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis and how to care for a person having a severe allergic reaction, including how to administer epinephrine using an Epinephrine Auto-Injector.
La mayoría de los trabajadores de servicios de salud y humanos que enfrentan los efectos de la fatiga por compasión generalmente recurren a hacer lo que siempre han hecho: trabajar más duro y dar más hasta que se agotan por completo. La fatiga por compasión no es solo un término “esponjoso” para referirse al agotamiento. Agota no solo tu mente y tu cuerpo, sino también la esencia misma de lo que eres como ser humano: tus emociones, tu alma. A menudo, tomando la forma de desdén por la fragilidad de la humanidad, este enemigo psicológico puede llevar a una persona, que en algún momento ingresó al campo de la atención médica por compasión, a alejarse cínica y hastiada. Ya sea que esté cuidando a un amigo o familiar con una enfermedad terminal o sea un profesional médico capacitado, la fatiga por compasión es uno de los adversarios más letales que puede enfrentar el personal de atención médica.
Course Content for First AidUsing of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), shock, bleeding, diabetes, asthma, anaphylaxis, seizures, internal and external injuries, burns, poisoning, bites and stings, heat emergencies and cold emergencies. Duration: Approximately 2 hoursThis certification is valid for 2 years.Audience: Anyone needing a certification that specifically states “First Aid" WE CAN COME TO YOU!Call our office if you have alarge group and would like aninstructor to come to your facility.
Basic First Aid for all ages. This class is an online class. This means the course is taken online, its a recorded class you can watch when you're ready. The skills are required in person at one of our 8 locations. You have 90 days to complete the skills training in person after completing the online course. Please go to AP.training to enroll in of the CPR AED and First Aide skills test out. You will only be required to test out in basic First Aid not CPR AED. Once you purchase the online course on the AP.training website, you will receive an email with in 24 hours from HSI (Health and Safety Institute)These emails may go to your junk or spam folder. The email with your course link DOES NOT come from APT, and you can not access the course from the APT website. The online course MUST be completed prior to the skills test out, we can not test you out unless the online portion is complete.
This course will provide you with an overview of all things Food Allergy. We will cover facts and statistics, food labeling, how to avoid cross-contact, and of course how to recognize and respond to anaphylaxis.
In this course we will focus on basic food preparation and food safety. We will include tips for preparing foods for member populations such as immune-suppressed members and people on prescribed or special diets. We will also discuss the safe handling of food and ways to prevent foodborne illnesses. In addition, we will discuss practical tips to help caregivers with meal planning, shopping, and cooking for their members.
This cohort runs for 6 weeks. Topics include: -Developing Healthy Teams -Behaviors of a Healthy Teams -The 6 Types of Working Genius -Purposeful Conversations -Transitions and Change -Time Management -Finishing Purposefully and Ideal Team Player -Maxwell DISC Assessment We will meet on zoom 8 times, for 2 hour sessions.
Family and Friends CPR is for people who want to learn this life-saving skill, but do not need a CPR course completion card or certification to meet a job requirement. This course is for community groups, new parents, grandparents, and others interested in learning how to save a life.This is a classroom-based course that will be taught by a certified instructor to share the lifesaving skills of CPR with others. There is no charge for this course and no CPR card will be given (informational purpose only).